Welcome!  2020 Back to School Night

7PM Thursday, September 10, 2020

Welcome to our Back to School page in the midst of all the craziness!  This page should give you the information you need.

Because of current regulations, our Back to School this year is virtual.  Each grade level will have a Zoom meeting to discuss all of the information you and your student(s) will need to be successful.  It is our desire for each and every student to grow and succeed in every way.

To join a Zoom meeting, go to https://Zoom.us and click on “Join a Meeting” and enter the information from the table below.  If it is your first time using Zoom, you may be prompted to install an application that can help you to have a better Zoom session.

Zoom Meeting Information

Grade Zoom Meeting ID Passcode
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade 701 599 8281 grade3
Fourth Grade 766 208 76804 grade4
Fifth Grade 762 973 0829 detectives
Sixth Grade 769 2747 7403 6thgrade!