What about our Graduates?

Some Los Altos Brethren School Graduates
Parents frequently want to know how our students do after graduation. With our small class sizes and experienced teachers, students receive lots of individual attention. We work hard to help prepare them for long-term success academically and spiritually.
We have seen our students go on to great success in their educational careers
- 15 High School Valedictorians (That’s one valedictorian for every two of our graduating classes!)
- 8 Collegiate Presidential Scholars
- Numerous music scholarships to major universities
Our graduates have gone on to attend major universities
- Azusa Pacific University
- Biola University
- California State University at Long Beach
- Cal Baptist University
- Concordia University
- United States Naval Academy
- Vanguard University
(just to name a few)
Our graduates have often shown a deep lasting commitment to Jesus Christ
For example, Colin Wadsworth served as president of CRU (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ) on the CSULB campus. Colin attended Los Altos from Preschool through sixth grade. He married a lovely Christian woman and is very active in his church.
Our sixth-grade teacher, Haley Sousa, also grew up here at Los Altos and is now serving the Lord with distinction.
Some quotes from graduates and parents
Brittany Lim (Class of 2004) I am so grateful that I was able to attend Los Altos Brethren School from kindergarten to sixth grade. Looking back, I realize how blessed I was to not only receive a solid education, but also to be able to grow in an environment where my teachers truly loved and cared for me. They exhibited the compassion and patience of Christ on a daily basis and set a good example for us. Learning/memorizing Bible verses each week at such a young age really emphasized the importance and the power of the Word of God; the passages I had memorized through the years have helped me greatly at timely moments through junior high, high school, and even to this day as I go through college. I truly appreciate the time God gave me to be a “bulldog” at Los Altos Brethren School.
Janelle Lim (Class of 2000) My eight years (preschool through sixth grade) at Los Altos Brethren School really helped me develop into the person I am today. I feel so blessed to have grown up with Godly teachers who truly cared about me and prayed for me daily. I am constantly surrounded by people who encouraged me and wanted me to be the best I can be for God. Whether it was through gentle discipline from faculty, kind and caring parent volunteers that showed they cared, or making lifelong friends with people who share in your love for God, being a LABS student was truly a privilege. It helped me to build character, learn to be persevering and determined, and impressed in me that I am called to do my best whatever and wherever God calls me and that He has a plan and purpose for my life.
Terry Lim (LABS parent) I thank God for leading our family to be part of the Los Altos Brethren family for over 10 years. Both our girls, Janelle & Brittany, attended LABS till 6th grade. LABS exemplified a high quality Christian education and afforded our children a solid foundation for future success. We were blessed to have teachers who were passionate, nurturing, and prayed often for our children. There was a strong parent support group which created a family-oriented atmosphere. We are especially grateful that the Bible is integrated into the over-all curriculum.